Just follow the steps below and you will be on the setup page in minutes.......
Physical Connections
1). We need to do the physical connections properly...so do that please connect the devices as below modem(ethernet port)......with cable......Router(Internet port)........with cable......Computer(if desktop then back of the tower)(or if laptop then connect the cable to the laptop).
IP Address
2).Now we need to check the IP_Address on the computer .>>>.. so to do that just click on Start ...>>>. then click on Control Panel,,>>>,, then click on Network Connections .... there you will find Local area connection (two computer icon) .>>>... right click on Local area connection then click on status there at the top you have two tabs .>>>.. general and support .>>>...click on support ... there in the second line you will find ip address number like ip address: mask: gateway:
Open Setup Page
3).Now just open the internet explorer and in the address bar just type the default gateway address in the address bar ....>>> and press enter you will get the username and password window>>> there leave the username blank and in the password typeadmin (this is default password) but if you have changed the router password then type that information in the password box.
Linksys Setup Page
4).Then you will be on the Linksys Setup Page and you can do the changes you want on the router. That's all. Now all we have to do is to just custumize setup as per our use.
Even after the steps if you are not ale to open the setup page just put a comment with error message like .. internet explorer can't display the website. Then i will reply to that with solution.
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