NAT-Network address Translation
Usually the reason why i am talking about NAT is that so many time when we connect Xbox-360, PS3 to router and try to connect to xbox live or ps network .
We get errors like your NAT settings are set to moderate change them to open and don't even have a clue wtf is NAT. And how to change that to open mode till that time you don't even know that NAT is there in your router. So first i will explain a bit about NAT.
So your router uses NAT to convert the public IP address into Private IP address. Public IP address is the ip we get from internet providers & Private IP address is the ip we use @ our home. Hence NAT converts them from public to private & vice versa. So that you can use your internet connection on all the computer & other devices like i-phones, wii, xbox, ps3.
As now you know a bit about NAT so now lets talk about how you can change that to open. To change NAT to open you just need to open some ports on your router usually for xbox just forward two ports --- 80,3074 .... & for PS3 tcp:80, 443, 5223 ...... udp:3478, 3479, 3658....
These are the port which you need to open on your router and one more thing i tested the port numbers my self they works so be sure that your Xbox as well as PS3 will work fine after you forward these ports.
NOTE: on router there is always one option to open all the ports for one device. DMZ always best to avoid that because that creates a balck hole in your seurity. So always best to open ports or trigger them but donot go for DMZ until needed.
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