Mar 9, 2009

Port Numbers for Xbox, PS3 & Few Games


Play Station 3 (PS3):- If you have any problem connecting PS3 online or if you have more lag while playing online then try out these ports. You need to either forward them or trigger then via router....Port numbers are :- 

TCP   :- 80, 443, 5223    &

UDP :- 3478, 3479, 3658


XboX-360 :-  If you have any problem connecting Xbox to Internet or if you have more lag(Ping) while playing online then try out these ports. You need to either forward them or trigger then via router....Port numbers are :-

TCP/UDP: 88, 3074 

Games Port numbers

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

TCP - 10070-10080

UDP - 5730-5739

UDP - 10070


MLB Live

UDP - 6000-7000

UDP - 10069-10071

UDP - 56399-56401


NBA '06

TCP - 30100-30199

TCP - 13505

UDP - 3658

UDP - 6000

UDP - 9555


Ratchet an Clank

TCP - 10070-10080

UDP - 10070



TCP/UDP - 10070-10080

UDP - 6000-6999 

UDP - 50000-50001